O líder norte-coreano, Kim Jong-un, determinou que as unidades de mísseis do país fiquem de prontidão para atacar bases militares dos EUA na Coreia do Sul e no Pacífico em uma reunião de emergência na sexta-feira (horário local), depois que os EUA realizaram exercícios com aviões "invisíveis" , informou a agência de notícias oficial da Coreia do Norte KCNA.
Medida: EUA enviam bombardeiros B-2 para exercícios militares na Coreia do Sul
coreia-norte-ap: Universitários socam ar durante marcha na Praça de Kim Il-sung, no centro de Pyongyang, Coreia do Norte
Dia 26: Coreia do Norte diz que colocou tropas em posição de combate contra os EUA
Dia 21: Coreia do Norte ameaça base dos EUA no Pacífico
Segundo a KCNA, Kim emitiu as ordens durante uma reunião à meia-noite com os principais generais e "julgou que havia chegado a hora de acertar as contas com os imperialistas dos EUA, tendo em vista a situação em vigor".
Canal de diálogo: Coreia do Norte diz que cortou contato militar direto com o Sul
"Ele finalmente assinou o plano para preparações técnicas de mísseis estratégicos da KPA (Comando Supremo do Exército Popular Coreano), ordenando que estejam de prontidão para disparar, de maneira que possam atacar a qualquer hora o continente americano, suas bases militares em teatros de operações no Pacífico, incluindo Havaí e Guam, e aquelas na Coreia do Sul", acrescentou a agência.
NYT: Em meio a ameaças da Coreia do Norte, Coreia do Sul cogita arsenal nuclear
Os EUA realizaram na quinta exercícios com dois aviões "invisíveis" sobre a Coreia do Sul, em mais uma demonstração de força para a Coreia do Norte depois de realizar atividade semelhante com um bombardeiro B52 também nesta semana, em um momento de tensão elevada na região.
Medida: Coreia do Norte anula acordos de não agressão com o Sul
Os aviões do tipo Stealth ("furtivos") são indetectáveis por radares. Em nota, a Força Aérea dos EUA na Coreia disse que a missão envolveu dois bombardeiros modelo B-2 Spirit, vinculados à 509ª Esquadra de Bombas.
Também na quinta, o secretário de Defesa dos EUA, Chuck Hagel, afirmou que as ações provocativas e o tom beligerante da Coreia do Norte "intensificam o perigo" na região. Mas ele negou que o uso dos bombardeiros "invisíveis" tenha agravado a situação.
"Devemos levar a sério cada palavra e ação provocativa e belicosa que esse novo jovem líder adotou até agora", disse Hagel em coletiva no Pentágono.
http://ultimosegundo.ig.com.br/mundo/2013-03-29/lider-norte-coreano-ordena-prontidao-para-atingir-bases-dos-eua.html ( Vejam videos no final da noticia publicada no site).
Agencia Reuters
Only in English
Kim Jong Un, seen at what was described as an urgent meeting overnight, has ordered his rocket forces to be on standby to strike U.S. and South Korean targets at any time.
“North Korea is not a paper tiger so it wouldn't be smart to dismiss its provocative behavior as pure bluster. What's not clear right now is how much risk Kim Jong Un is willing to run to show the world and domestic elites that he's a tough guy,” said the official, who asked not to be named. “His inexperience is certain -- his wisdom is still very much in question.”
By Courtney Kube and Ian Johnston, NBC News
North Korea put its rocket units on standby Friday to attack U.S. military bases in South Korea and the Pacific, after repeated threats and one day after two American stealth bombers flew over the Korean Peninsula in a military exercise.
A U.S. official warned that the isolated communist state is “not a paper tiger” and its reaction should not be dismissed as “pure bluster.”
According to the North Korea's official KCNA news agency, the country's leader Kim Jong Un “judged the time has come to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialists in view of the prevailing situation” at a midnight meeting of top generals.
The latest threat comes one day after two nuclear-capable stealth bombers flew from Missouri to drop inert munitions on a range in South Korea as part of a major military exercise.
Kim Jong Un, seen at what was described as an urgent meeting overnight, has ordered his rocket forces to be on standby to strike U.S. and South Korean targets at any time.
The U.S. official emphasized the danger posed by North Korea’s military and the unpredictable nature of its 30-year-old leader.
“North Korea is not a paper tiger so it wouldn't be smart to dismiss its provocative behavior as pure bluster. What's not clear right now is how much risk Kim Jong Un is willing to run to show the world and domestic elites that he's a tough guy,” said the official, who asked not to be named. “His inexperience is certain -- his wisdom is still very much in question.”
There was a mass demonstration in support of Kim involving tens of thousands of people in the main square of North Korean capital Pyongyang Friday, The Associated Press reported.
Placards read "Let's crush the puppet traitor group" and "Let's rip the puppet traitors to death!"
'War for national liberation'
The state-controlled KCNA also published an article that said the “opportunity for peacefully settling the DPRK-U.S. relations is no longer available as the U.S. opted for staking its fate. Consequently, there remains only the settlement of accounts by a physical means.” DPRK stands for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the North's official name.
Slideshow: Glimpses into the hermit kingdom of North Korea
David Guttenfelder / AP
As chief Asia photographer for the Associated Press, David Guttenfelder has had unprecedented access to communist North Korea. Here's a rare look at daily life in the secretive country.
Launch slideshow
“A battle to be fought by the DPRK against the U.S. will become a war for national liberation to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country and, at the same time, a revolutionary war to defend the human cause of independence and the justice of the international community,” the article by “news analyst” Minju Joson said.
South Korea’s Yonhap news agency quoted a South Korean military official as saying that there had been “increased movement of vehicles and forces” at missile launch sites in the North. “We are closely watching possibilities of missile launches,” the unnamed official said.
North Korea routinely issues hostile statements but analysts have noted recent remarks have become more belligerent. In December, the North carried out a long-range rocket test and then detonated a nuclear bomb in a test earlier this year.
North Korea's young leader Kim Jong-un has issued almost daily threats, including the threat of nuclear strikes on Washington, D.C., and Seoul. In addition, Pyongyang has put its troops on combat readiness, warning that war "may break out at any moment." NBC's Ian Williams reports.
At a daily news briefing Friday, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said China was calling for an easing of tensions.
But some fear the situation could be getting out of control.
"It seems that Kim Jong Un is in the driving seat of a train that has been taken on a joyride," Lee Min-yong, an expert on North Korea at Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, told Reuters.
Russia, meanwhile, appeared to criticize the U.S. over Thursday's bomber mission.
"We are concerned that alongside the adequate, collective reaction of the U.N. Security Council, unilateral action is being taken around North Korea that is increasing military activity," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in Moscow, according to Reuters.
"The situation could simply get out of control; it is slipping toward the spiral of a vicious cycle," he said.
Reuters contributed to this report.
http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/29/17513218-north-korea-puts-rockets-on-standby-as-us-official-warns-regime-is-no-paper-tiger?lite ( watch the video on this site).