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One Icelandic man is about to start a hunt to harpoon fin whales, then chop them into pieces and ship their meat to Japan for dog food!

Dear friends,

One Icelandic man is about to start a hunt to harpoon fin whales, then chop them into pieces and ship their meat to Japan for dog food! The best way to stop this massacre is to shame the Dutch Prime Minister, who allows the traffic of whale meat through Rotterdam, to refuse this bloody cargo -- if the whalers can’t sell the meat, we can stop the hunt before it starts. They set to sea in days -- sign now and tell everyone:

Click here to sign the petition
Fin whales are magical giants of the sea. But in days, over 180 of these endangered species are set to be slaughtered by one tycoon and his buddies whose summer hobby is to harpoon them, chop them up and ship their meat through the Netherlands to Japan for dog food!

There is one way to stop the hunt before it starts -- you can’t dock a boat full of illegal whale carcasses just anywhere. German and Finnish authorities have shunned the shameful trade. Now, the Dutch are the linchpin. They care deeply about their reputation as environmental leaders, and are hoping this bloody trade won’t get any global attention. But if we expose it now and demand the Dutch authorities refuse the transfer of whale meat in their port, we can stop the whale massacre!

We have to act fast -- the whaling ships are due to start the hunt in days. Sign now and tell everyone to join -- let's build a one million strong campaign to Prime Minister Mark Rutte now warning him that we will create a media storm with giant whales on his doorstep unless he stops the transfer in Dutch docks:


These majestic creatures are the second largest animal on earth, they can grow to be as long as three buses and move through water like lightning. Their incredible combination of sleek, elegant power and speed earned them the nickname "greyhound of the sea". 

Tragically, whalers like Kristjan Loftsson have slaughtered hundreds of thousands and over 70% of the global population was wiped out. But since the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and the International Whaling Commission bans were instated, their population has significantly increased. We can help them back from the brink if we stop them from being butchered for dog food!

Getting the Dutch to refuse Loftsson's bloody cargo in Rotterdam is the best way to stop the hunt before it starts as it will set a precedent for other European ports. So far the Dutch have allowed him to get away with this mass murder. Let's expose them now and put an end to this slaughter. Sign the petition and tell everyone -- let’s stop the trade before the first harpoon is fired:


Avaaz members have achieved tremendous things for biodiversity, from opposing the ivory trade to winning a ban on pesticides that were killing record numbers of bees. In 2010, Avaaz members were central to keeping the International Moratorium on Commercial Whaling intact -- now let’s stop this horrific hunt and keep marching toward a more humane world.

With hope,

Pascal, Lisa, Oliver, Alice, Ricken, Allison, David, Alaphia and the whole Avaaz team

PS - Many Avaaz campaigns are started by members of our community! Start yours now and win on any issue - local, national or global: http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/start_a_petition/?bgMYedb&v=25181


Iceland is killing fin whales for Japanese pet treats (EIA)

Iceland to resume disputed fin whale hunt in June (Yahoo News)

For Iceland’s whale king it’s “just another fish” (AFP)

Ceaseless Pressure on Whales (NYT)

Iceland’s creation of an endangered species trade (Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society)
