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Os Amigos de Caminhada!

Please, pray for them.

Today, more than 100 schoolchildren have lost their life in an attack at a school in Peshawar, Pakistan. This is one of the most horrific attacks on school children in living memory and we stand in solidarity with the students, teachers, parents, and community of Peshawar who are deeply affected.

No child should go to school worrying they might be the next target of an attack. No parent should ever worry that their daughter or son may not return from school each day because of violence. No child should learn in fear and no terrorist, conflict or discrimination should
 deny a child their right to safe, quality education.

This serves as a reminder that schools need to be protected, that they are not ‘theatres of war’ as UN Special Envoy Gordon Brown said.

We stand with the community of Peshawar and with millions around the world in demanding safe schools and ensuring children are protected and able to learn.

As Baela Raza Jamil, who is leading the #UpForSchool campaign in Pakistan, says:  The attack on the school in Peshawar today was of unspeakable cruelty taking the lives of innocent children in a place they should feel safe."
For updates on the situation and more follow A World at School here.


Please, pray for them.


Passou por aqui?! Espero que tenha encontrado a LUZ DA SUA CAMINHADA

Passou por aqui?! Espero que tenha encontrado a LUZ DA SUA CAMINHADA
Volte, quando sentir O CHAMADO...


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