Let's Sing Our Way to Heaven!

Let's Sing Our Way to Heaven!
Beloved Miracle Workers…
Thank you for helping us to work out the bugs and get this program to the thousands of people who have signed up to receive it. And it turns out Mercury Retrograde doesn’t start for a few more weeks, so there’s no escaping the challenges of technology. As we move forward with this wonderful course we’ll continue to make it easier and more accessible for everyone.
Good Luck and Blessings. James
A Course In Miracles LESSON 5
I am never upset for the reason I think.
You seem to be upset at many things, but in reality, there is only one upset in all out lives – we believe we are separate from everything we perceive. The truth and solution, however, are very simple – You’re wrong.
5: “Nunca estou triste pelos motivos que eu penso.”
“Os motivos das escolhas do inconsciente coletivo geram o conflito, dor e sofrimento. Quando assumis a responsabilidade por ancorar novas frequências de Luz, perspectivas despontam e gerais uma nova realidade individual e coletiva, superando obstáculos passados e escolhendo assumir uma nova atitude perante as escolhas de cada pensamento ou ação.”
Alternate YouTube Lesson: