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Os Amigos de Caminhada!

Video: Conflito no Espaco / Conflict in Space

Conflito no Espaco / Conflict in Space

O relato do documentario comeca aos 3 min e 5 seg.
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Here are presented some startling current realities, with which humanity is confronted in the process of ascension to a superior frequency of vibration of consciousness.

"Conflict in space" is a very accurate, clear summary of information received directly by Syriat and Alkesh from representatives of the Sirian civilisation, referring to a terrible battle in space, which took place close to Earth: the space-time implications, proofs, technology, cosmic alliance and the battle in the etheric plane in the vicinity of Earth which started after this terrible conflict.


Passou por aqui?! Espero que tenha encontrado a LUZ DA SUA CAMINHADA

Passou por aqui?! Espero que tenha encontrado a LUZ DA SUA CAMINHADA
Volte, quando sentir O CHAMADO...


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