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Os Amigos de Caminhada!

Join UNIFY, World Tapping Circle, and other world changers for a special meditation and healing event on World Water Day, March 22nd.

UNIFY Family,

Check this out! Really cool things in this email:
1. Two of our partners, the Children of the Sun Foundation and The Gaiafield Project, have joined forces to create a powerful way to prepare for World Water Day.

2. The World Tapping Circle is joining with UNIFY to host a special online healing circle and water blessing.

Children of the Sun and The Gaiafield Project:

Starting on the Equinox, March 20th, The Gaiafield Project is initiating a collective "attunement" that will guide us into greater coherence with the water element flowing through our bodies and the Earth.

On March 21st, Children of the Sun will lead a global transmission to restore harmony to the Earth's freshwater ecosystems while also focusing on transforming some of the top industries responsible for water pollution.

You can Sign Up for this program by clicking here. 

World Tapping Circle

Join UNIFY, World Tapping Circle, and other world changers for a special meditation and healing event on World Water Day, March 22nd.
The Water Blessing is a 22 minute, non-denominational guided meditation for deep grounding and centering, concluding with powerful visualizations for ourselves and all the water to be infused with love and positive energy.

You can sign up for the World Tapping Online Healing Circle by clicking here.

Both these events are offered free of charge, so register and bring your community too!
Register for World Tapping Circle World Water Day Event


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UNIFY · 900 S. Lamar Blvd · Austin, TX 78704 · USA 


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