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CHANGE.ORG: Stop endangered birds from be drugged, shoved into water bottles, and illegally traded

There's a new petition taking off on Change.org, and we think you might be interested in signing it.

Petitioning Dirjen Perlindungan Hutan dan Konservasi Alam, KLHK, Edhy Prabowo, Kardaya Warnika, Sareh Wiyono, Siti Nurbaya

Stop endangered birds from be drugged, shoved into water bottles, and illegally traded

Petition by Conservation Policy Working Group

The world was stunned when images of endangered cockatoos in Indonesia, stuffed into plastic bottles so they could be shipped abroad, came to light. We need your help to shut down Indonesia’s illegal animal trade and associated wildlife crime before it is too late.
Indonesian police recently discovered dozens of endangered cockatoos sedated and jammed into water bottles. The rare animals -- there are only 7,000 left in the world -- were found either dead or barely alive. Unfortunately, this tragic scene is not rare in Indonesia.
Indonesia’s law protecting endangered animals is 25 years old and outdated. The criminals responsible for the illegal animal trade are rarely caught. If they are apprehended, they receive a light punishment. This does not provide a deterrent for them to stop. Law enforcement needs the resources to catch the animal smugglers and more importantly the poachers, and then the ability to hand down harsher punishments.
Join us in speaking for the voiceless animals being driven to extinction -- tell the Indonesian government we cannot afford to wait any longer to update the law protecting endangered species.
Although the cockatoos were discovered before they reached their destination, it was too late for 11 of the birds. Each death brings the bird closer to extinction. Like in previous cases, the smugglers responsible will soon be back on the streets and will return to their illegal activities. Unless Indonesia's law is changed, and its law enforcement made effective, there is no incentive for these criminals to stop and more animals will be smuggled in horrifying ways and end up dying.   
It will take pressure from the world community to get countries like Indonesia to take action and make sure these precious animals and other threatened species are truly protected. Please sign and share our petition demanding Indonesia take action and revise their law protecting endangered species.
No more #BottledCockatoos!
Conservation Policy Working Group, Indonesia
